Diesel Boiler
Industrial Scale Boilers; Three pass, wet back, smoke tube boilers
Industrial scale diesel powered boilers are the backbone of most of the industries to generate steam for utilities and process purposes. Shell type boilers are normally preferred in all most of the process houses, edible oil industries and chemical industries because of the inherent ability of these boilers to cater to the fluctuating load.
In its most basic construction form Industrial Boilers are steel containers fitted with fuel/gas burners to transfer heat via tubes to water inside the contained which in turn converts to steam for industrial usage. Diesel boilers mainly comes in two types; dry back and wet back boilers. Wet back prevents exposure of surface to direct heat from the flame whereas dry back cover the part of steel back with refractory material.
We provide industrial scale boilers with complete integrated unit. Boilers are compact in design with high heat transfer area and clean combustion to meet the clean energy requirements. It can deliver up to 98% dry steam and provided with feed water pumps for boiler feed application.
Thermax is our supply partner for Diesel Boilers.