Toothpaste Making System
2.5m3 Tooth paste system consist of raw material handling system, mixer, storage system and CIP. This system could support continuous production
Toothpaste System Design Features
Toothpaste is generally with very high viscosity and the raw material always come with much powder. So the agitator design and raw material dosing system design fit for the purpose of use is very essential.
System Advantage
Our 2.5m3 toothpaste system contains saw blade mixer specially designed for high viscosity material. It could run up to 1200rpm even the material viscosity is more than 1,300,000 cp. This system also contains hoist system for powder dosing system. The powder dosing room is isolated from main mixer thus the dust will not pollute the final product. Hot water station and CIP balance tank is designed as modular accessory to the skid, this will guarantee continuous hot water supply to support production and CIP. Siemens PLC will control the whole system and provide flexible solution to connect with packing line and filler